Pomegranate, Strawberry and Basil by Happydown
When looking at the happy down can, see right, you might think that your in for a craft carbonated cocktail, as it says this in the side. It's obviously targeted at the hipster generation with the moustachioed figure on the front and the labels claiming it to be gluten free and vegetarian. Sadly the liquid inside does not live up to the promise of the packaging. When opening the can you get a hint of pomegranate on the nose. The taste is one of raspberry with a touch of pomegranate and there is a mild herbal note at the end, which I suppose is meant to be basil. But the whole flavour of the thing is completely overidden by its sweetness - it's SO sugary. This is soda with booze, closer to a Smirnoff ice than a premixed cocktail. Maybe this is to do with the fact they are taking fortified wine as their alcohol base, probably in order to cut costs, so no good flavours are actually coming from the booze. It evokes memories of raspberry aid or panda pop, not what you want to ...